Check out these opportunities to learn more about watershed stewardship and to get involved in keeping our Great Lake great!


AquaHacking Brainiac Session Thursday, January 5 @ 6 – 7:30 p.m. Watershed Stewardship Center at West Creek

Do you have an idea about how to solve water challenges? Then, join us to learn more about and contribute to a binational endeavor – Aquahacking: United for Lake Erie. We’ll flow through brainstorming and small group discussion to recommend challenges for brainiacs to solve. Come get your ideas heard and potentially implemented!


Stormwater & Sustainable Development Sunday, February 5 @ 1 – 2:45 p.m. Watershed Stewardship Center at West Creek

Come check out an interactive topographic map of the West Creek Watershed and see stormwater control measures in action. Leave this introductory program with more knowledge of urban watersheds and the sustainable features of the Watershed Stewardship Center. Also, discover how to get involved in the Watershed Volunteer Program and become a Certified Watershed Steward.


Watershed Volunteer Program Link Up Tuesday, March 7 @ 6 – 7:30 p.m. Watershed Stewardship Center at West Creek

Do you want to be linked up with the Watershed Volunteer Program? Come out and learn about this unique program designed to train individuals to be watershed stewards through a variety of learning, restoration, and monitoring programs. If you are looking to join the program or have recently been accepted, we invite you to come get the baseline information to make your volunteer experience flow.


To register, visit the Cleveland Metroparks’ Watershed Volunteer Program page.

Share your discoveries on social media using #NEOWaterSteward.