
Make Nature Your Neighbor

About Our Organization

Our mission is to enrich the lives of all people in Northeast Ohio by conserving natural habitats, restoring the ecological value of our region’s lands and waters, and expanding opportunities to connect people from all cultures to experience nature and discover our great outdoors.

West Creek is a 501c3 organization, founded in 1997 and serves the Greater Cleveland and Northeast Ohio region. West Creek’s mission is to enrich the lives of people in Greater Cleveland by conserving natural habitats, restoring the ecological value and sustainability of urban lands, and expanding neighborhood opportunities to experience nature

Intern Sponsorship Program

West Creek has become the place for college students to compete for an internship. Local students recognize that an internship with West Creek provides a crucial career supplement to a college degree. We provide hands-on, real-world experience with a career network of Conservancy partners.

Your business or organization can partner with the Conservancy to sponsor an Intern at West Creek. For more details, please email

Current Positions

There are no job openings available at this time. Please check back in future for any job opportunities we may have.