July 2, 2018
Cuyahoga County Councilman Scott Tuma Announces Round 8 Demolition Funding Approval for the West Creek Conservancy Project
The project includes demolition of former dormitories at the Parmadale Campus.
Cuyahoga County Councilman Scott Tuma announces approval of demolition funds for the West Creek Conservancy Project in the City of Parma. An award totaling $1,351,000 was approved at the County’s Board of Control meeting on July 2nd for the demolition of thirteen former dormitories at the Parmadale Campus and four blighted properties in the City of Parma.
“This project in Parma is precisely what the County envisions when evaluating the best use of demolition funds. I am glad to see this and other demolition projects moving forward. The demolition of these dilapidated and vacant structures will allow the City of Parma to fully realize its vision for the future of the Parmadale site,” states Councilman Tuma.
The project aims to clear over 76 acres of land for greenspace, public park development, and watershed conservation. The acres were once home to the Parmadale Orphanage, built in 1918 and abandoned entirely in 2014. Water intrusion throughout the roof and foundation has caused irreparable damage to plaster, wood flooring, electrical and HVAC systems. Constant break-ins, vandalism, and theft have aided in the destruction.
Through collaborative partnerships with Mayor DeGeeter and the City of Parma, as well as the Cleveland Metroparks, we’ll be able to reclaim and re-envision a nearly 80-acre site, and eventually integrate it into West Creek Reservation, says Derek Schafer, Executive Director of the West Creek Conservancy. Further, this funding will not only remove a significant amount of impervious surface decreasing stress on local waterways and infrastructure, but it will further aid in the environmental clean-up of the former campus and help revitalize much-needed greenspace in the City of Parma. A hearty thank you to Mayor DeGeeter and County Councilman Scott Tuma.
In addition, the City of Parma received funding to demolish the following four structures in efforts with keeping consistent with Parma’s Neighborhood Stabilization Plan by eliminating blighted properties that have had a negative impact on the housing market.
- 7259 Ridge Road
- 11599 Kader Avenue
- 4418 Pershing Avenue
- 7407 Dorothy Avenue
“These demolition funds are critical for moving forward on West Creek’s most significant undertaking since the reservation’s creation,” Parma Mayor Tim DeGeeter said. “This project will add an exciting dynamic to West Creek as it will integrate natural resource preservation, habitat restoration, and recreation activities – all within the heart of Parma.” Said DeGeeter:
“We want to thank County Executive Armond Budish and County Councilman Scott Tuma for recognizing the importance of this project for the region. We also are incredibly fortunate in our partnership with West Creek and its executive director, Derek Schafer. It’s another prime example reflecting our city’s motto, “‘Progress Through Partnerships.’”
Future funding will be sought for the demolition of the remaining administrative and office structures on site.
Media Contact: Cuyahoga County, LeVine Ross (216) 443-8421 lross@cuyahogacounty.us