Help protect vital natural spaces

Throughout Northeast Ohio

Your support helps protect local natural areas, open spaces, streams and waterways. We’re reclaiming vacant urban lands and restoring streams, wetlands, woods and natural habitats right here in our community.

Why Should You Volunteer With West Creek?

Making sure that your local natural areas, open spaces, streams, and waterways are well protected is more important than ever.

When you volunteer for West Creek, you will get the opportunity to directly contribute to making sure these places will exist for decades to come. You’ll be shaping the future and directly improving your community when you volunteer for West Creek.

You can volunteer your time and talents to help create a greener, greater Cleveland. Our opportunities range from stream cleanings, community plantings, event support, and office work.

If this sounds like something you would like to be a part of, check back regularly to view our volunteer opportunities. If we don’t currently have volunteer opportunities scheduled, fill out the form below to receive updates via email.

Upcoming Volunteer Opportunities

Ready to volunteer now? Check out our Sign Up Genius page to view our latest volunteer opportunities and register to help! 

Become a Volunteer

Fill out the form below to receive updates on our volunteer opportunities.

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Other Ways to Give


Corporate Giving


Gift Membership

Conserve Your Land

Tribute Giving

Planned Giving

Stock Donation