We are excited to add nearly 80 acres to West Creek Reservation and give thousands in Parma access to the park. What a great milestone to reach during our 20th year of conservation – we appreciate everyone’s efforts who helped make this possible.
On March 16th the Cleveland Metroparks’ commissioners voted to enter into a purchase agreement with the West Creek Conservancy that would give the park system control of most of the former Parmadale campus. This will add nearly 80 acres to our 326-acre reservation.
The Metroparks’ $250,000 closes the deal, along with the purchase agreement we have with the Cleveland Catholic Diocese to pay $1.75 million for the land, and a $1.5 million Clean Ohio Conservation Program grant. The Metroparks’ funds will either go toward the purchase or restoration of the property. The diocese will retain about 10 acres.
Master planning for restoration of the land has not yet begun and the entire process could take nearly two years. West Creek Conservancy and the city of Parma will partner with the Cleveland Metroparks during the restoration phase.
There is an extensive array of buildings and roadway on the grounds and restoration will require significant structural removal. With 52 acres of heavily forested land and 2,300 linear feet of primary headwater streams, this addition will create a whole new form of access to the reservation for thousands of citizens.
West Creek Conservancy is working to make nature your neighbor!