Upper Cuyahoga Conservation

Protecting the headwaters of the Cuyahoga River
Working in a unique partnership with The Nature Conservancy, West Creek Conservancy coordinated the preservation of 117 acres in the headwaters of the Cuyahoga River, in Montville Township, Geauga County. Over the course of the next few years, significant stream and wetland restoration will occur – providing vital ecological functionality for the Cuyahoga River watershed.
“The Nature Conservancy is really excited to collaborate with West Creek Conservancy on the purchase and restoration of the 119-acre property, which is situated in the very headwaters of the Cuyahoga River watershed.
Through the project, we aim to restore and protect 44.6 acres of wetlands and 74 acres of forested buffers. Of the wetlands already existing on site there are 30.5 acres of Category 3 wetlands, which is the classification given to the highest quality wetlands in the state. Additionally, an endowment will be set up to fund long-term management of the site into perpetuity.” – Devin Schenk, Program Manager, The Nature Conservancy.