Stream and Floodplain Restoration of former Padua Campus

Project In Process

This restoration project will restore the streams, floodplains, wetlands, and natural habitat in an area that was otherwise historically altered; located off W. Ridgewood Drive, in the City of Parma, Cuyahoga County.

Project Summary

This property is located directly adjacent to Cleveland Metroparks West Creek Reservation and was most recently used as soccer and lacrosse fields. Approximately 1650 linear feet of stream was restored, and major grading was required to re-establish an accessible floodplain. Upland and riparian areas will also be re-established, returning this area to pre-athletic field conditions. The restoration project will include the future re-alignment of a trail from the nearby parking lot area to the pavilion as well.

Project activities included the excavation of the historic fill material, re-construction of two earthen ridges, a re-creation of a historic stream channel, restoration of an existing channel, excavation of floodplain wetlands, creation of a mowed walking path, excavation of one-third of an existing asphalt parking area, construction of a stormwater bioretention area, and re-vegetation of the entire site with native vegetation.


Padua Soccer Fields Restoration

Project Partners

Support for this long-term initiative has included the Ohio Public Works Commission’s Clean Ohio Greenspace Fund, the Ohio EPA’s 319 Program, Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District, Cleveland Metroparks, the City of Parma, and the James A Cox Foundation.


Expected Outcomes and Benefits

Beyond the ecological assets is the access it will provide for the 18,700+ homes within 1 mile of the park and trail system. Nearly 19 acres will be added to the Cleveland Metroparks West Creek Reservation, topping over 500 acres, with annual visitation peaking above 180,000 per year — and poised for continual growth, especially with more direct contact to the Watershed Stewardship Center.

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Padua Soccer Fields Restoration
Caitlin Jurcago
Caitlin Jurcago
Caitlin Jurcago
Caitlin Jurcago
Caitlin Jurcago