Discover Our Great Outdoors

Everyone needs access to greenspace and nature. West Creek is protecting local natural areas, open spaces, streams and waterways right here in our community.

UP! A Creek 2024

Saturday, September 7, 2024 | Landerhaven

Thanks to everyone who registered for our annual Up! A Creek fundraiser. Your support helps us continue our mission to restore and protect Northeast Ohio’s lands and waters. We’re excited to share an evening of dinner, spirits, raffles, live music, and more. 

Thank You to Our Sponsors:

Our Projects

We’re reclaiming vacant urban lands and restoring streams, wetlands, woods and natural habitats right here in our community.

Our Events

West Creek hosts an exciting array of hikes, meetings, and other events throughout the year. We invite you to hear guest speakers, explore…


Your donations help us further our mission and protect local natural areas, open spaces, streams and waterways.

Our Mission

Our mission is to enrich the lives of all people in Northeast Ohio by conserving natural habitats, restoring the ecological value of our region’s lands and waters, and expanding opportunities to connect people from all cultures to experience nature and discover our great outdoors.

Carbon Credits

West Creek Conservancy is partnering with City Forest Credits to support tree planting and preservation projects in northeast Ohio communities. Companies can buy available credits from local projects and invest where people live, work, and play.

News and Updates

How to Add Native Plants to Your Garden

How to Add Native Plants to Your Garden

Many of us have chosen to cultivate species and landscapes that are not naturally-occurring in our region. It’s wasteful, expensive and detrimental to wildlife who encounter reduced availability of the native species upon which they feed.

Irishtown Bend Park: Progress Through Partnerships

Irishtown Bend Park: Progress Through Partnerships

The excerpt below was taken from a article published Sept. 20, 2021. CLEVELAND, Ohio — A potentially spectacular new urban park overlooking the Cuyahoga River and the downtown skyline at Irishtown Bend on the city’s West Side is poised to shift from...

Wildlife-Friendly Fall Yard Cleanup

Wildlife-Friendly Fall Yard Cleanup

Before any landscape program begins, assess the current conditions of your home landscape. This assessment will help you to identify and prioritize future projects and allow you to appreciate all the positive changes you’ve made.

Collaboration Plays an Important Role at West Creek

Collaboration Plays an Important Role at West Creek

Recognizing the importance of collaboration and partnerships, built on mutual goals and values, West Creek stepped in to acquire a critical property on behalf of the Medina County Park District. This acquisition is an example of West Creek’s ability to identify and...

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1% for the Planet approved nonprofit partners are carefully vetted environmental organizations that are eligible to receive funding from our members.